Are you looking for LG G4 Stylus USB Driver? If your answer is Yes, then you are on the right page here we have provided some working LG G4 Stylus USB Driver. Just download the installation file from below and install it on your windows computer. We found the LG United Mobile drivers setup file version 3.13.2 inside the G4 system dump, but this isn’t the latest LG driver file for Windows computers. The latest LG driver file we know, that we also used in our LG G3 drivers post, has the version number 3.14.1.
How To Flash LgG4 Hs-Usb Qdloader 9008 Mode

(No Recovery, No Download Mode, Boot Loop, No Power)
Adb Driver For Lg G4
Supported Lg G4 Models:
H815, H818, H818N, H818P, H819, LS995, LS991


- DRIVER: qhsusb_dload_Drivers.rar
- TOOL: QPST.WIN.2.7 Installer-00425.1.rar
- Goto ThisFolder And Download and install driverQPST.WIN.2.7 Installer-00425.1
- Then Download files According to your phone.
Connect your phone to your computer (make sure the computer has full drivers)
Qhsusb_bulk Driver Lg G4
Now on the QPSTtool select “Select Port” and select the COM port as shown below. Then OK
Next, select “ Browse ” and select 2 * .mbn and * .xml files in rom folder respectively .
(Eg ” prog_emmc_firehose_8992_lite_stable.mbn ” and ” rawprogram0.xmlpatch0.xml “)
Driver Lg G4
Click download butt to start flash process:
Lg G4 Software For Windows
Wait until the tool says Download Succeed and Finish Download is completed flash process. This time it was possible to DOWNLOAD MODE ,Now Download And kdz (stock Rom) then Flash it.